How to insurance claim GST Refund in Singapore

Tourists in Singapore can really insurance claim refund on GST (Goods as well as services Tax) paid for products bought from establishments that are participating in the tourist Refund Scheme. introduced in may 2011, the electronic tourist Refund plan (eTRS) enables tourists to get back the GST they paid on your purchases when buying in Singapore, supposing you satisfy their criteria.

A GST Receipt


When Making Purchases
Claiming GST Refund
Top budget plan hotels as well as Hostels in SingaporeSearch for more Singapore Hotels!

ইউটিউবে আরও টিপস ⬇ সম্পর্কিত পোস্ট:

When Making Purchases

To enjoy the 7% GST Refund, tourists must purchase at least S$100 worth of products as well as services at participating establishments (shops, stores, attractions, etc). You’ll understand that the outlet is participating in this plan if they screen a worldwide Blue tax free buying logo or tax Refund logo. When you make a purchase, request a Refund Cheque. It’s like a type as well as it appears like this:

Claiming GST Refund

On your departure date as well as you’re flying out of Singapore via Changi flight terminal terminal 1, 2, 3 or budget plan Terminal, head over to the tax Refund Counter as well as submit the accomplished eTRS insurance claim form. I just proceeded to the tax Refund Counter at the departure area before inspecting in. They provided me one more piece of paper as well as told me to approach one more counter after inspecting in, before boarding. This is what the counters look like:

Claiming the Refund
They state that the bought products will be inspected however Customs officers did not inspect mine when I declared refund. Hehe. however to be sure, prepare the products you bought for inspection so they might process your refund.

I got my 7% tax refund! The process was smooth. The lady assigned at the GST Counter who provided me the refund was a Filipina as well as was extremely bubbly as well as helpful.

এটাই! next time you go buying in Singapore, inspect if the store is participating in the tourist Refund plan as well as request the Refund insurance claim form. 😀

Top budget plan hotels as well as Hostels in Singapore

As placed by Agoda reviewers.

ড্রিম লজ (আগোদার চিত্র সৌজন্যে)

স্বপ্নের লজ inspect rates & Availability! ✅

ক্যাপসুলেপড@আলজুনিড। inspect rates & Availability! ✅

হিপস্টারসিটি হোস্টেল। inspect rates & Availability! ✅

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Cube shop capsule hotel @ Chinatown. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

চিক ক্যাপসুলস। inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Search for more Singapore Hotels!

ইউটিউবে আরও টিপস ⬇

সম্পর্কিত পোস্ট:

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